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Sunday, October 9, 2011

When it all started

The first thing you should know, and unfortunately most people don't know, it that America was robbed by its own government. In 1933 FDR took our Country off the Gold standard. What does this mean exactly? Before 1933 the US Government could not have more money in circulation than it had Gold to back it with. In other words if we had only X amount of Gold, then we could only have X amount of dollars in circulation.

Why is this important? Because with the passing of this law the Government could now print as many dollars as it wanted to. This is the first time inflation became part of our culture. While it may have seemed a good thing to do way back when, it has created problems for us as a Country.

We used to be the biggest baddest economy in the world. Well that is quickly changing.

In simple terms this it what it means, Gold is king when it comes to purchasing power. Do you know who is the biggest buyers of Gold in the world today? China and India are. Why? Because they know that Gold is still king when it comes to POWER!

Look at it this way. 100 years ago one ounce of Gold, back then it was a $20 Gold coin, would buy you a really nice suit of clothes. Today one ounce of Gold will still buy you a really nice suit of clothes. It can't be said of a paper dollar. I remember, as most of you probably do when gas was less than a dollar a gallon. It is not that way today, is it?

You need to protect your buying power as best you can. The best 2 vehicles to do that in today's market are owning Gold and Silver.

Gold and Silver have been the way people traded for goods and services for thousands of years. It still is today, only Governments are the big buyers these days. Do they know something that you don't? Well that is exactly what we are going to fix with this blog.

More to come later. Stay tuned and share this information with your friends and families. It could very well keep you from being poorer than we already are in this New World Economy!

Ronnie Busby

PS: If you have questions please hit me up, either by comments or email busby.ronnie@yahoo.com

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