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Friday, October 7, 2011

Please understand that I did not start this blog to scare anyone. I am not a negative person, people that know me know that I am always positive about most matters. I do however feel that we need to be informed about just how fragile the world we live in is, economically speaking. The world has become global, for better or worse, and technology has contributed to this. I do believe that we can use this technology to give us an advantage. I've heard it said many times information is POWER. I research this information daily anyway, so I thought I would just share it with my friends and family, and anyone else who cares to follow along.

The threats are real. What happens in economies around the world while we sleep have a definitive bearing on how far your money goes at the gas pump, the grocery store, and to you overall purchasing power. There are still some people that remember the Stock Market Crash of 1929. They did not have the advantage of modern technology that we have. People it can happen again!

All I am trying to do is let you know what you may not have the time to research on your own. This is information you can do with whatever you want.

Ronnie Busby

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